The SuperCacher Plugin for WordPress (SG CachePress) Just Got an Update


Those of you who are using our caching system, the SuperCacher, to boost the speed of their WordPress sites have probably already noticed that we’ve released an update for the plugin. Although we regularly maintain the extension and keep it up-to-date, this update adds some features with new and useful functionality. They can help you manage better your site.

Notification for New Users


Since the SiteGround CachePress plugin acts as a connector for our SuperCacher service, we decided to alert our customers in case the Dynamic Cache is not working for their site. Since the caching is activated by default in the plugin settings page, usually all you have to do is enable it from the other end as well, the SuperCacher page in your cPanel.  We’ve added a check that tests your index page upon plugin activation and notifies you if your index is not cached. Hopefully, this friendly reminder will help our users to get used to the system faster when they start new projects.

The Ability to Test Your URLs


In addition to the check upon activation, we’ve added another option to the settings page of the plugin in the “Dynamic Cache Status” section. There you can check whether a page from your site is being correctly cached or not. In some cases, you want to be really sure that certain URLs are left out of the cache – profile pages, checkout pages, etc. We already have available the “Exclude URLs From Dynamic Caching” functionality allowing you to do this in a quick and easy manner. But now you can actually do a test in one click and make sure that a checkout page is really 100% dynamic.

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Hristo Pandjarov

WordPress Initiatives Manager

Enthusiastic about all Open Source applications you can think of, but mostly about WordPress. Add a pinch of love for web design, new technologies, search engine optimisation and you are pretty much there!

Comments ( 55 )

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Jul 28, 2015

Excellent, the notice is a nice UX touch. Does SuperCacher exclude WooCommerce checkout pages by default? It would be handy if it did :)

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Jul 29, 2015

Yes, it does :) The Cart, My Account, Checkout and Addon pages are excluded by default (unless you change their URLs). Furthermore, if you have an item in your shopping cart, you automatically start browsing the dynamic version of the site :)

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Saurabh Singh

Jul 29, 2015

SG is just going better. I would love to see them providing more plugins. Best Plugin ever. Don't miss the same. SiteGround rocks and so does your website with them.

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Simon Q

Aug 03, 2015

Nice touch guys :) Siteground is the best :)

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Aug 05, 2015

Hi, (1) Does SuperCacher exclude WP e-Commerce (WPEC) checkout pages either by default or when they are set manually in the exclude URL field? I've found previously that the cart page was being cached even when I had the cart/checkout pages set to be excluded. This caused my customers significant problems until I turned caching off. (2) Would it exclude caching a 'view cart' plugin/widgets content (yes, I know that's not technically said right) if it's in a pages header/menu/sidebar? (3) As far as I'm aware one of the limitations with the staging system is that it can't be used to test the SuperCacher? Thanks, Mike.

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Aug 05, 2015

No, we haven't added any special rules for WP eCommerce. You need to manually exclude those using the URL exclusion list. As to your cart and checkout pages, you probably didn't add them correctly in to the exclusion list. We can exclude pages from the cache bassed to an URL pattern or to detect a cookie. For example, for people that have their cart button in the header (which is shown on EVERY page), we show dynamic content only when there's a product added to the cart. About the Staging tool, we disable the SuperCacher because we use a lot of custom services for that tool to make it work seamlessly but unfortunatelly that interferes with the SuperCacher and causes issues. We're planning to have this fixed witin few weeks when we release another update for those services but I can't give you exact ETA for that.

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Dan Knauss (@newlocalmedia)

Aug 05, 2015

Nice work!

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Karim Marucchi

Aug 05, 2015

Well done!

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Aug 06, 2015

Thanks Karim :)

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Aug 06, 2015

Any news when this coming to Joomla?

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Aug 06, 2015

Very soon hopefully!

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Steve Hoare

Aug 06, 2015

Feature request: can we have a traffic light symbol in the adminbar that shows whether the page being viewed is cached?

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Aug 06, 2015

If the admin bar is loaded this means that your logged :) This means that the page is not cached for sure :)

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Sep 04, 2015

Does this work for any account on WordPress? Or only for the Administrator? As far as I can see only the Admin sees the 'Purge' option.

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Sep 08, 2015

Yes, only people with admin access can purge the cache manually.

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Aug 06, 2015

Really cool stuff. Always like it that you keep adding and improving. Keep it up.

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Aug 07, 2015

Just a basic question. In cpanel do I need to have both the Static cache button and the Dynamic cache button in the "on" position. The default position seems to be Static button is "on' and the Dynamic button is "off". I have switched the Dynamic button to "on" so I now have both the Static & the Dynamic buttons in the "on" position. Is that where they both should be?

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Aug 07, 2015

You need to enable the Dynamic one :) If the Static cache is not enabled, it will be turned on automatically.

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Aug 09, 2015

Hi Can you tell me how Supercache can help with images, particularly on a mobile site ? We have W3 Total cache and Cloudflare installed on a Woocommmerce site. Gt Metrix is showing a load time of 1.7 seconds, but on Mobitest, we're seeing 7.7 seconds with the image waterfall being the bottleneck. I wouldn't mind an overview of Dynamic v. Static v. Memcached ? ...and HVVN ? Thank you John

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Aug 10, 2015

The SuperCacher does not improve / compress your images. They just get served faster but if they are too big that will still take time. I would recommend using this plugin which has great results on many sites:

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Aug 10, 2015

am closely following this company, I have 2 domains one with joomla and the other in wp! the GROWBIG plan would be good?

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Aug 10, 2015

It really depends on the websites. I would recommend that you contact us via the Live Chat :)

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Aug 23, 2015

Hello, nice job, but for me it doesn't work. Each time I try to test whether a page is cached or not your plugin returns me "CACHED". This happens even if the page is on the exclude list or if I previously flushed the dynamic cache . Any idea to solve this problem? Thank you in advance, Simone

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Aug 24, 2015

Make sure you've updated your plugin to the latest version. If the problem persists, kindly open a ticket in your Help Desk. My colleagues from the support team will happily assist you with troubleshooting this issue!

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Mar 24, 2016

Hello, We are using WP super cache plugin. Is it ok to use both of the plugging together? Thanks

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Mar 25, 2016

Just disable the caching settings since it wouldn't make sense to double-cache the same content. You can keep it for the minification and other c performance optimization options.

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Apr 01, 2016

Is it necessary to have a second caching plug in beside SG SuperCacher? I have just configured the SG SuperCacher and my sites speed has improved greatly. I am now not sure if I can deactivate and delete W3TC. Or is there another plugin, which is better to work with SG SuperC?

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Apr 02, 2016

If you're using the plugin just for caching, there's no need for it, SuperCacher will ahve far better productivity than any file-based caching plugin.

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Ogba Victor

Jun 03, 2016

Boss I have activated the dynamic cacheing and still testing it in the admin areas says "Satus: Not Cached" What did I do wrong?

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Jun 03, 2016

Please, post a ticket in your Help Desk, my colleagues will happily assist you with that!

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Andy Roberts

Jun 07, 2016

I have a problem with the home page not indicate an updated cart value. If a customer adds an item to the cart and then returns to the home page or other pages, the home page still shows zero Cart (0). If I force refresh on the page, the cart item count goes to the correct number. Is this related to dynamic caching?

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Jun 08, 2016

It depends on the plugin you're using. The best way to approach this would be to post a ticket in your Help Desk. Our support team will take a look into it and give you more details about the particular case.

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Jun 28, 2016

Hi I have a Problem. Revolution slider disappears with Caching. (I am Using Revolution Slider and Its getting disappeared after some minutes when dynamic caching is turned ON.) So Let me know that, Can I Exclude Slider in Home page from Caching?.

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Daniel Kanchev Siteground Team

Jun 28, 2016

Hello, Irfan. You can exclude the home page from the full page caching. In order to do this open the SuperCacher settings page and simply add "/" to the exclude list. If you need help post a support ticket and we'll be happy to do this for you.

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Anup Pandey

Sep 16, 2016

I am getting this error: CAN'T GET HEADERS on Test URL button. Being told that it is because the entire DNS is not pointing to siteground, only the www is. Confirm?

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Daniel Kanchev Siteground Team

Sep 17, 2016

Hello, Anup. This specific error message is displayed when the plugin is not able to connect to the domain name and obtain the HTTP headers. We might be able to resolve this issue - please post a support ticket and ask the ticket to be escalated to one of our supervisors.

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chung cu luong yen

Nov 03, 2016

well done

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Michele Rallo

Jan 03, 2017

HI Hristo, i'm a siteground newbie coming from another host, i was questioning myself if make sense to install supercacher + w3 (or other web cacher) in order to made fewer request and so on...

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Jan 10, 2017

You can use other plugins for things like JS and CSS minification and combination, HTML optimization, etc but for caching, the SuperCacher is far faster than any plugin.

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Mar 18, 2017

The W3 Total Cache plugin has options to enable page cache, database cache, object cache, and browser cache. If I have the SuperCacher static cache enabled, does it take care of all of those options above? Can I disable page, database, object and browser cache in W3T? Thanks.

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Mar 20, 2017

We don't delete any W3TC caching. I would recommend that you disable all caching options in W3TC and use only SG Optimizer plugin plus the dynamic caching enabled in the SuperCacher tool in cPanel.

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Mar 20, 2017

When I went to the SuperCacher tool in cPanel, none of my websites were listed under Dynamic Cache so I clicked the "Add Application" and added my website url. However, when I look at the tutorial, I see the screenshots lists installation urls as "" whereas I just listed my sites as without the wordpress designation on the end. Does that matter?

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Mar 21, 2017

If your app is main for the domain, just leave the field empty. If it's installed in a folder, type it in after the domain.

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Apr 24, 2017

Hi Have super cache optimized along with php adjustment. What is BEST to use for JS and CSS minification. There's a few out there... opinions? Thanks Howard

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Apr 29, 2017

In my opinion, the best free solution is Autoptimize. WP Rocket does a great job too but it's a paid plugin. You can't go wrong with either.

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Daniel Bachmann

Jun 30, 2017

Hristo, How would you best setup Siteground caching together with WP rocket ? The only thing I can find is other people showing their WP rocket settings but what caching they enabled on Siteground C panel. In addition this post almost suggests to turn off dynamic caching of SG cachepress and since I did it, I get slower performance! I am tempted to think, that it is probably best is to turn on static and dynamic caching on Siteground and only use other features from WP rocket. What is your take on this ?

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Jul 01, 2017

I would recommend disabling the caching functionality of WP Rocket and keeping it for its other optimization features - minification, combination, etc. Our caching system works in the server's RAM and outperforms any plugin, no matter how good it is, simply because plugins can only save and read files on the server's disk which is slower plus the requests have to go through the PHP service.

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Glenn Hultgren

Sep 19, 2017

Hello, need some clarity on this in the SuperCache Plugin, are they on when the switches show an "X" or a "Check Mark"? In your support tutorial, it shows "check mark", but I heard it should be an "X" meaning it's actually on and the "X" indicates to turn it off. Thanks, Glenn

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Sep 20, 2017

Blue is on, grey is off, that's easiest way to remember it but X means off and check mark means on :)

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Nov 25, 2017

Hi there, Am I right in thinking that the W3 Total cache plugin for WordPress, does not work with Sitegrounds "SG Optimizer"? I tried to enable both in WordPress and it does not allow me to. I am guessing because they both do simialr jobs and that would create a problem if both were installed. Thanks for a quick reply!

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Nov 27, 2017

The plugin works. Just disable all of its caching functions not to duplicatie functionality. Our service handles caching way better while the plugin as additional features that are still useful for your site performance.

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Tatsat Savsani

Dec 14, 2017

I have SGOptimzer and Autoptimize installed - I have enabled all three optimzation option - HTML/CSS/JS... do I need to do any other setting? Also, do I need WP-Optimze for database optimzation ? or does spoptimzer do that ?

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Dec 18, 2017

I would say you're good. You can set a cronjob to optimize your WordPress database from time to time, the command is wp db optimize. I wouldn't add another plugin for that myself.

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Spiros A

Jan 29, 2018

hi, i have a problem with Sg Optimizer and dynamic cache ... when published new posts to site in front page the users must refresh the page 2-3 times to see this posts it's recommended to exclude front page from high traffic news portal?

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Jan 29, 2018

Actually, you want to have that page cached. You can email me at hristo.p at with more details about your site so I can give you more precise information.


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