Upcoming Chicago Data Center Migration

Few months ago our data center partner SingleHop has successfully completed their newest and most advanced facility in Chicago. With all the innovations introduced on the spot, we were excited by the great opportunity it gives us to further improve our hosting service. To make this happen we will transfer to it all our US-based accounts during the next few months. The new location is above the best industry standards and will encompass the currently used one with:

  1. higher class network equipment that will result in better speed
  2. better organized space of SiteGround machines in private cabinets for higher security and better connectivity
  3. on-site 24/7 network operations center, which will make even the highest-end technicians, who were previously managing the machines remotely, available on the spot. This will speed up issue resolutions.

The move to the new facility is one of our most exciting tech projects this quarter and has been carefully planned in details over the past few months. The first 35 dedicated servers have already been physically moved to the new location without any issues and are already successfully running from there.

All customers that are now hosted in our US location will be personally notified with more information by email at least 5 days before their particular accounts will be moved. Some of the servers will be transferred over the wire, without physical move of the machines, while others will be switched off and moved physically to the new location. The majority of the transfers will be scheduled during the weekend nights, as this is the less active period for most of the websites. During the transfer there will be a constant status update in the user area of the all customers, whose accounts are on the move.

We are looking forward to moving to this great new facility and we will keep you informed all the way!

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Lilyana Yakimova

Product Owners Team Lead

I have been with SiteGround since it was born and it has always amazed me to watch this company grow and develop its unique personality.

Comments ( 27 )

author avatar


Aug 21, 2014

Hello Lilyana, I don't understand a few things so I would like to ask, if possible: 1) was the previous datacenter owned by Siteground or SingleHop? 2) Was the staff of Siteground available at the US datacenter before? Is it now? 3) Is the European datacenter owned by Siteground or Siteground is partner with someone there too? Thanks

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Lily Siteground Team

Aug 21, 2014

Hello Davide, SiteGround does not own any data center. In Europe and USA our servers are located in the data centers of SingleHop. The data center technicians are not SiteGround employees and this will not change after the move. What will change is the proximity of the SingleHop network operations center -- the place from where their most advanced technicians manage the work of their whole team, to the physical location of our servers. This center can and does operate quite well remotely too, as its aim is to coordinate the efforts of end-technicians that are inevitably on the ground in any data center. However, having the control center itself on the spot too is even better.

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Aug 22, 2014

All right, thanks for the clarification :)

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Aug 24, 2014

Most web hosting companies do NOT own their own server facilities. They provide the intellectual, support and business infrastructure for their business and their customers. Physical facilities are a separate business, owned and operated by businesses that specialize in same. Cyrus One, Amazon, and many other corporations are in this business. They invest in massive physical infrastructure usually with secondary and even tertiary power backup and environmental control, as well as physical security that minimizes potential damage due to weather, earthquake, or even human breech of facilities. Investment of this sort is usually beyond the scope of what a typical web hosting company can do financially.

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Sep 03, 2014

you can take advantage of the shift to be transferred in europe Thank you

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Mero Server International

Aug 22, 2014

The data center technicians are not SiteGround employees and this will not change after the move.This center can and does operate quite well remotely too, as its aim is to coordinate .What will change is the proximity of the SingleHop network operations center.

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Roatan Tours

Aug 23, 2014

This is exciting news, thank you.

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Sep 03, 2014

Hi, Thank for your the exciting update. It looks promising and well manage if we can be warned about the transfer or our data. However could you please be more specific/technical regarding 1 & 2? Thank you

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Sep 03, 2014

Thank you for the update. I am looking forward to the new enhancements, specially speed, which is always nice to have more of :)

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Sep 03, 2014

I'm a reseller does this mean I need to notify my clients again about a new DNS change? The last time it took me several hours contacting all my clients asking them to personally update their DNS as they all have different domain name resellers..

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Reed Martin

Sep 03, 2014

Where is the new data center located?

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Noel Mannion

Sep 03, 2014

Will this involve a DNS change to my clients sites that are hosted on US servers?

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Sep 03, 2014

How and when will we be offered the choice to relocate to the Singapore or European servers please?

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gordon grech

Sep 03, 2014

I ve been hosting my sites for 5 years with siteground and was very satisfied with the service. Unfortunately the service is not the same, we are constantly struggling with siteground engineers doing an authorised interventions on our servers including a dedicated server that hosts over 300 email accounts. This obviously is resulting in downtime and loss of business to our clients which is not acceptable. They say that maintenance and downtime will be carried out during off peak hrs during the night, however this is the contrary. We are based in europe and the scheduled time is the highest traffic peak time during the day! I wouldn't recommend siteground any longer

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Jake Smith

Sep 04, 2014

I am worried for I just moved to Siteground from Hostgator. This also happened with Hostgator and the server was moved to Provo. They had serious downtime, once it was over 24 hours. I am wondering the same question concerning the DNS.

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Sep 04, 2014

I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHERE MY 2 SITES WILL BE HOSTED .... will you notified? i have 2 sites: http://bjportal36.com/ http://casa-argentinasanantonio.org/ THEY are both under construction por the moment and very small. I am working in both of them. bj

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Sep 04, 2014

do we have the option to get our money back if you take our websites down (again)? DNS changes are unacceptable. Who tf changes nameservers on their customers without telling them in advance? You did. So maybe give us a heads up and an opt-out. thanks, I know you're just trying to increase profit. Just don't do it at my expense.

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Khushnood Nabizada

Sep 04, 2014

I have been with Sitegroound for the last 5 years and I am very pleased with the service they provide. I have over 100 shared accounts and a dedicated server with them. The support Siteground provides is extraordinary well. The only complain I have is that the email quota limit is only 500MB with its primary shared accounts, this causes the clients to change their mind after being with as as this space is not sufficient for even a very small enterprise. I hope SG takes this into account and increase the limit to at least 1GB or 2GB. Thank you SG for the good service you provide.

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Sep 04, 2014

Thanks everyone for your comments! As there are several identical concerns, I thought I will address them in one reply. 1. DNS Change The migration we are performing involves moving physically our machines from the old Chicago datacenter to the new datacenter, which is located again in Chicago. We are not moving accounts from one host server to another, but keeping you on the same host server, which will get physically transported to a new location. This means that all your accounts will remain using the same settings and no DNS change will be required. In short - you do not have to do anything about this migration. We have carefully planned everything for a couple of months now and will take care of the whole process for you! 2. Notifications and Status Updates We will be notifying you at least 5 days prior to the move and will keep you posted during the whole process. The notification center in your client area will have a live status update feed where you will be able to track the progress at any given time. 3. New Data Center Location Our new datacenter is in Chicago. Our old datacenter was in Chicago as well, just in a different area of the city. 4. Relocation Option You can request a relocation at any time, but you should know that when relocating, you will have to change your DNS as your account will be hosted on a different server. Relocation is a paid service and you can request it from your User area. We are planning to do the migration of the shared servers towards the second half of September and the migration of the VPS in October, but this may change as we are coordinating with the datacenter technicians and want to make sure all is planned to the smallest detail. I hope this helps and thank you once again for choosing and trusting us!

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Sep 05, 2014

Will IP address changes take place? I have a dedicated IP address for SSL and a few clients run their own DNS pointing to this IP.

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Marina Siteground Team

Sep 05, 2014

Hello Daveo, there won't be any changes to IP addresses. Please do not hesitate to contact our Support and discuss with them in detail the Data Center migration if you have further concerns. Regards!

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Sep 04, 2014

How will these changes effect my site again. I lost data on the last change.

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Sep 04, 2014

Last time I lost web pages. I really don't like this constant moving. I am 're thinking about staying with site ground. Been with u over 7 years.

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steven vargas

Sep 29, 2014

Where is this new data center in Chicago located?

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Greg Clark

Oct 06, 2014

This sounds exciting. Congratulations for the move. But are you sure that this move won't create any problem with users accounts.

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Dec 03, 2014

Great Post Lily! I have a question, can you please provide me information about new data center located in Chicago?

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Marina Siteground Team

Dec 05, 2014

The new data center is in Franklin Park, Illinois.


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