Email Support
Webmail Issues
Why I can't receive email using your webmail interface?

Why I can't receive email using your webmail interface?

There are several common reasons for being unable to receive emails when using a webmail client. These reasons include, but are not limited to – temporary mail server problems, exceeded space quota of the email account, incorrect MX records of the domain.

Here are some checks you can make to locate the reason why you cannot receive an email with your webmail client:

  • Check Email Quota

If you have exceeded the quota of your email account, you will not be able to receive any more email messages. Either remove some of the old messages or increase the space quota of your email account.

You can check each account’s disk usage from:

Site Tools > Email > Accounts > Choose the preferred email account. There is a column called Quota which gives information about the space usage of each mail account.

To change the quota of an account, click on:

Site Tools > Email > Accounts > choose the preferred email account and go to the kebab menu > Change Quota.

  • Check the MX record of your domain name

The Mail Exchange (MX) record is a part of your DNS zone and it determines which server is currently handling your emails. Check your MX record from the following website:


If you find that it is configured incorrectly, contact your domain name registrar with a request to change this record with the correct one.

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