Website Help
Manage Users
How can I add users to my website?

How can I add users to my website?

Go to your Client Area > Websites, find the site to which you want to add a user to, and click All Site Options next to it. Then, click on Users > Add Users button. A pop-up window will appear where you can select the type of user you want to add – Collaborator or Client. You can read more about the differences between the types of users here. From the Add User drop-down menu, select a new or existing user to be added to your site.

If you select to add a new collaborator, add their email and name in the next fields. The person will receive an email invitation to create his collaborator profile with SiteGround.

If you select to add a client, choose the website to whose Site Tools they will have access to. If you have a Cloud hosting plan, you will also be able to apply Client Roles, by which you choose which tools exactly will be accessible for the client.  When ready, click Add User.

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