Website Help
How does the Cloudflare CDN work?

How does the Cloudflare CDN work?

A content delivery network (CDN) is a large distributed system of servers installed in multiple data centers around the world. The content of a website that uses such a network is distributed across the web instead of being served only by the single server where it has been originally uploaded.

In such a case if your website that is hosted on a server in the US, gets visited by someone in Australia, will still load very fast. The site’s content will be served from the nearest CDN data center.

We recommend using the SiteGround CDN service, which is a site speed optimization service developed in-house specifically for our customers, who receive traffic from different geographic locations. It has been built as part of the SiteGround infrastructure and global network and it works seamlessly with all websites hosted by us providing optimal loading speed results.

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