Website Help
Manage Users
How Can I Add a Client to My Website?

How Can I Add a Client to My Website?

To add a client to your site, go to your Client Area > Websites, find the site to which you want to add a client to, and click All Site Options next to it. Then, click on Users > Add Users button.

A pop-up window will appear where you need to select the type Client. From the Add User drop-down menu, choose the client you want to add to this website – it could be an existing client from your list or a new user. If you decide to add a new client user, you need to enter their email and name as well.

Note that, if you have a Cloud hosting plan, you will also be able to add a custom role to your client. This option allows you to select which tools will be visible and accessible to your client. To do that, click on the Role Type drop-down menu and choose the preferred client role. When ready, click Add User.

IMPORTANT: When you add a new client user, a password reset message will be sent to their email, which contains a link to a page where the new client can reset their account password. The validity of the link is 6 hours, after which it will stop working and using it will result in a “Failed. Token Expired” message. If the client was unable to reset their password in the 6 hour time window you must delete the user from your Client Area -> click on your profile photo at the top right corner -> Manage Users -> Manage Users section -> Actions button -> Delete User and then create the client’s account again by following the steps in this article.

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