Email Support
SPAM Prevention
Why are my emails treated as SPAM?

Why are my emails treated as SPAM?

Most email service providers use complex anti-spam filters. These filters usually determine which email is SPAM based on their experience and practices. Some of the most common reason for emails to end up as SPAM are:

  1. The originating domain name – your domain – is on a blacklist.
  2. The mail server’s IP address is blacklisted.
  3. Your local IP address, assigned to you by your Internet Service Provider, might be on a blacklist as well.
  4. The recipient mail host might require additional validation, such as the existence of SPF or DKIM for your domain.
  5. Custom anti-spam filters applied by the recipient email host might also end up rejecting an email based on its contents (subject, body, attachments, etc.).

SiteGround can assist you with point 2. If the server’s IP is blacklisted for no reason, we can request its removal. The remaining reasons need to be addressed by yourself, or with the help of your Internet Service Provider.

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