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How to prevent search engines from following links on your website?

How to prevent search engines from following links on your website?

In the dynamic landscape of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), understanding the nuances of different types of links is crucial. One such element is the “nofollow” link, often abbreviated as nofollow. In this article, we will delve into the world of nofollow links, their significance in SEO, and when and how to use them effectively.

A nofollow link is essentially an HTML attribute added to a hyperlink. This attribute informs search engines that they should not follow the linked page, preventing the flow of PageRank or link equity. As a result, nofollow links do not directly impact a website’s search engine rankings.

When Are Nofollow Links Used?

Nofollow links find their utility in various scenarios. Website owners frequently use them in the following situations:

1. User-Generated Content
In the realm of user-generated content, such as blog comments or forum posts, implementing nofollow links can prevent spammers from benefiting from SEO ranking.

2. Paid Advertisements
When websites feature sponsored content or paid advertisements, using nofollow links ensures that these links do not influence organic search rankings.

3. Untrusted or Unverified Sources
Links to untrusted or unverified websites should be nofollowed to protect your site’s credibility and SEO standing.

How to Add Nofollow in WordPress?

For WordPress users, implementing nofollow links is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to add a nofollow attribute to a hyperlink:

  1. Classic Editor:
    1. In the classic editor, while creating or editing a post, highlight the text you want to link.
    2. Click on the “Insert/edit link” button.
    3. In the link dialog box, find the option to add a rel attribute.
    4. Add “nofollow” to the rel attribute field.
  2. Block Editor (Gutenberg):
    1. In the block editor, select the link block.
    2. In the settings panel on the right, expand the “Advanced” section.
    3. Find the option for the rel attribute and add “nofollow.”

How to set nofollow links manually?

To block search engines from following a link on your website, add a rel=”nofollow” tag to your HTML code.

This is useful if you want to have links on your page to external sources. Use the following syntax for example:

<a href="http://www.externalsite.com" rel="nofollow">External site</a>

By doing this, your visitors will be able to use the link, but the search engines will not “follow” it.

You can use this approach to add links to your website to competitive sites without increasing their page rank.

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