Looking Back at 2015: Here's Our Year in Review!

2015 Recap

2015 was a wild year for us, but we loved it. We almost doubled the number of new clients, went local in Spain, upgraded our platform, sponsored 100+ events, and a lot more. We have so many things to share, that we created a visual recap to tell you all about it. Check it out and if you like it, share it in social media: www.siteground.com/2015

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Tenko Nikolov

SiteGround CEO

For the last few years Tenko Nikolov has been one of the masterminds behind the success of SiteGround. He has come up with multiple successful strategies for overcoming technical problems and has achieved real business results for SiteGround. His vision and skills have made SiteGround a leading host in terms of technology and platform reliability.

Comments ( 3 )

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Jan 15, 2016

You are an AWESOME company, I'm very happy I joined. Cheers!

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Jan 27, 2016

Indeed, best hosting company I have ever been with since I started as a web developer in 1997 ! Customer service and know-how is AAA+

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Jan 28, 2016

Thanks for the kind words!


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