SiteGround Webinar Series

SiteGround Webinar

We’ve been thinking for quite some time now what will be a cool way to extend our resources and help you get your websites and business up and running, and here we are – starting a fresh educational initiative through webinars. We’ve got some of our partners excited about this idea too and will cooperate with them to bring you first hand experience and knowledge on the nitty-gritty of setting up and running an online business.

The first webinars will be in the next 2 weeks and we will be covering the topics of Joomla speed and performance optimizations, and the muddy waters of Joomla SEO. We have invited our friend Richard Pearce from BuildaJoomlaWebsite as a co-host and he, together with our very own performance guru Daniel Kanchev, will be the superstars of our first two webinars.

WEBINAR 1: How to Speed Up Your Joomla Site

How to Speed Up Your Joomla Site by Daniel KanchevWednesday, April 17, 2013 at 5pm EDT
Presented by Daniel Kanchev

Speed optimizations is not rocket science and Daniel will share tons of useful tips and tricks that will help you make your Joomla site literally fly: hidden Joomla backend gems, template and extensions tips, caching methods and plugins, CDN options and many more.

WEBINAR 2: How to Get Higher Rankings for Your Joomla Site

How to Get Higher Rankings for Your Joomla Site by Richard PearceTuesday, April 23, 2013 at 5pm EDT
Presented by Richard Pearce

Website speed is definitely a ranking factor for Google already (hence previous webinar, heh), but is it the only one? Certainly not, and Richard knows what the other factors are. He’ll tell you how to target and place the right keywords in your Joomla site to get higher rankings.

This is an experiment and we hope we’re off to a good start of what will turn into a regular educational series. We have more ideas on interesting topics for the future, but since these webinars are for you, we ask for your input. Let us know what you want to know, throw your suggestions in the comments and help us choose the next webinar topic!

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Hristo Pandjarov

WordPress Initiatives Manager

Enthusiastic about all Open Source applications you can think of, but mostly about WordPress. Add a pinch of love for web design, new technologies, search engine optimisation and you are pretty much there!

Comments ( 7 )

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Apr 15, 2013

It is great that Siteground is having these webinars to help us manage our websites better. However, I noticed that the webinars' system requirements do not seem to cater for Linux-based computers. Is this correct or can one use instead the GoToMeeting Web Viewer on a browser in a Linux system for these webinars?

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Apr 16, 2013

I'm afraid that we cannot enable the web viewer for the webinars. It seems though they have sweet iOS and Android applications so you can join us using those. Details here:

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Oscar Bustamante

Apr 22, 2013

My schedule hasn't been able to match. How can I have access to the information? Thank you

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Daniel Kanchev Siteground Team

Apr 22, 2013

Hi Oscar, We uploaded the webinar video and slides and you can check them at:

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Tina Maniacco

Jul 01, 2013

Hi Daniel, I took your webinar advice and signup for a new account, uploaded my joomla site into a subfolder but am now told by tech support that I have to upgrade my account in order for the subfolder not to show in my url. That is pretty lousy. Can you recommend another solution?

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Daniel Kanchev Siteground Team

Jul 02, 2013

Hi Tina, Please excuse me for the delayed reply. I checked your ticket and I believe that one of our colleagues has managed to resolve the problem. I accessed your site ( and it loaded just fine on my end. Please check the results on your side and if you have any questions or comments update the ticket or send me an email to - I will be glad to do anything within my reach in order to assist you :)

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Web Designer

Jul 03, 2013

I wasn't able to join the livecast but i downloaded the video of the session. Thanks


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