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What is "Download failed. cURL error 28: Connection timeout after ms" and how to resolve it

What is "Download failed. cURL error 28: Connection timeout after ms" and how to resolve it

What Is “cURL Error 28 Connection Timed Out”?

cURL Error 28 is a common error that WordPress users may encounter. cURL, which stands for Client URL, is a library that allows you to connect and communicate with different types of servers with different types of protocols. The error typically indicates that your site is trying to perform a request using the cURL library but the request takes longer than the specified time limit, resulting in a connection timeout.

What Causes “cURL Error 28 Connection Timed Out”?

There are several reasons why you might be experiencing the cURL Error 28. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Firewall or security plugin restrictions: These can block or limit the connection, causing it to time out.
  • Plugin conflicts: Some WordPress plugins may interfere with the cURL library, causing the error.
  • Outdated server software: Outdated cURL or OpenSSL versions can also cause this problem.
  • Incorrect SSL configuration: If your SSL certificate is not correctly configured, it can cause the cURL error.

How to Fix “cURL Error 28 Connection Timed Out”?

Disable Firewall in the Security Plugin

If you have a security plugin installed on your WordPress site, it may be causing the cURL Error 28. Try disabling the firewall in the security plugin to see if this resolves the issue.

Check Other WordPress Plugins

Plugin conflicts are a common cause of the cURL Error 28. To check if a plugin is causing the issue, deactivate all of your WordPress plugins and then reactivate them one by one, checking each time to see if the error reappears.

Outdated server software

All SiteGround servers have higher than the required versions of the software preinstalled, so you can skip this step if you are a SiteGround client.

Check if your hosting server has the minimum versions of the required software installed or higher. You can check that by going to your wp-admin -> Tools -> Site Health -> Info tab -> Server section. At a minimum, your server should be using PHP 7.4.13 or higher, curl 7.74.0 or higher, and OpenSSL 1.1.1 or higher. If it doesn’t, contact your hosting provider and ask them to update the software to the latest available versions.

Incorrect SSL configuration

If your WordPress site is configured to use https, but it is not set up properly, then this could also cause the web server to block insecure (via http) cURL requests. Similarly, if your WordPress site doesn’t use https, but it tries to make a connection using https, then that request may fail.

To confirm this is not the problem – reconfigure your WordPress to use https properly by following the steps in this guide.

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