How To Questions
How can I install WordPress Multisite on my website?

How can I install WordPress Multisite on my website?

If you already have a WordPress installed and you would like to convert it to a Multisite, you should enable the Multisite feature in the website’s wp-config.php file via SSH, FTP or File Manager in your Site Tools by adding the following line:

define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true);

right before the line:

/* That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */

Save the change and log in to your administrator area. Go to Tools > Network Setup.

Here you should decide on how your future subsites will be set:

  • set them as subdomains, for example, sub.yourdomain.com. If you choose this method you should enable wildcard subdomains from your Site Tools.
  • set them in subfolders, for example, yourdomain.com/subsite

This change will affect all your websites in your network and it cannot be changed after that. Once you are ready, click on Install. When the installation is completed, you will be provided with two additional codes which should be set in your .htaccess and wp-config.php files.

When you are ready, log in again to your admin Dashboard.

That’s it. You now have a WordPress Multisite installed on your domain name.

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