SuperCacher Tutorial
Memcached Option Tutorial

Memcached Option Tutorial

If your website relies heavily on database queries, using Memcached should significantly improve its performance. This tutorial explains how does Memcached work, how to enable it and how to flush its cache.

The Memcached service, that is part of SuperCacher, uses our own implementation of the popular Memcached system. It speeds up database calls, API calls, and page rendering by storing data and objects in the server’s RAM to reduce the number of times a database is queried. After you enable the service, it will spawn a new Memcached process for your account which will be owned by your Site Tools user.

How to enable Memcached?

You can enable Memcached from the SuperCacher tool in your Site Tools. Click on Memcached and then the Off/On toggle button.

Next, you need to configure your web applications to use Memcached. The WordPress Memcached configuration is done with a click through our Speed Optimizer Plugin.

For other applications, you may need to know the service IP address and port. This information will be provided for you on the same page once the service is enabled. The IP address you have to use is and the port will be generated by the system when you enable the Memcached service.

You can learn how to enable Memcached in Joomla! 3.x, Drupal, MediaWiki, and Prestashop in our knowledge base.

How to flush Memcached?

To clear the cache of Memcached, you can use Flush Cache on the page.

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