Domain Issues
DNS Management
My .it domain name is not working

My .it domain name is not working

If your .it domain is not working, it is recommended to check the most common reasons listed below:

The official requirements of the registrar (NIC) for an IT domain to work properly include the following:

  • At least one MX or A record must exist for the domain name.
  • Where an MX record is listed, it must not have an associated CNAME.
  • A CNAME must not be associated with the domain name.

A common error after a change of the name servers is that the ‘mail’ subdomain is not an A record, while it should be. The domain will not resolve until this is fixed. The best way to ensure your domain name resolves correctly is to point its name servers to the name servers of your account.

Check them from your Client Area > Websites > choose the preferred domain name > All Site Options. Go to the Action menu > Server Details.

Another reason for a newly registered domain might be the fact that .it domains take more time to propagate and become active. Usually, if you purchase a new domain name and it is set as a primary/parked domain name, it takes up to 24hrs before it becomes active.

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