The Innovation Category News Archives
The Rise of Statewide Cybersecurity
Connecticut is taking advantage of a first-of-its-kind cybersecurity grant program designed to address risk to information systems across the nation’s state, local, and territorial governments.
Technology & Truth
Since its inception in 2010, Veritex Community Bank (VCB) has been firmly grounded in truth, transparency, and unwavering integrity.
Strategists Rule!
For Dr. Lynette Washington and Baltimore City Public Schools, the real innovation is strategy; determining the best use of state and federal dollars to support students and positively impact them.
The Builders of Innovation
By developing processes that enable streamlined construction of buildings with near assembly-line speed and precision, BZI has been a steady market presence.
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Mastering the Media Maze
Numeris examines the viewing and listening habits representing the Canadian population, roughly 40 million Canadians, on the many platforms that are available today.
Break on Through
Scientists think they’ve discovered what brings diamonds to the surface of the Earth, and where to find more
The Saga of LK-99
An easily accessible room-temperature superconductor, particularly one made from cheap materials as LK-99 was, would be like bringing CERN to everyone’s living rooms.
The Future of Insurance
Taking place this year from Oct. 31-Nov. 2 in Las Vegas, InsureTech Connect is the world’s largest gathering of insurance innovation.