Email Tutorials
How to Setup Email Autoresponders Tutorial

How to Setup Email Autoresponders Tutorial

Auto Responders allow you to set automatic answers for email accounts. For example, your customers can receive a confirmation that their inquiry has been received or if you go on vacation you can inform your friends or clients that you are not available at the moment.

How to set up automatic email responses in Site Tools – Video Tutorial

Creating Email AutoResponders

To access the autoresponders menu, go to your Site Tools > Email > Autoresponders:

Autoresponders Location in Site Tools

Enter the email address you want to send the auto-responses from, the name you want the message to come from and the subject of the auto-response email. Finally, type in the message in the Body field.

Create New Autoresponder in Site Tools

Click on Create to create the autoresponder.

Autoresponder Example

Deleting Email Auto Responders

To delete an autoresponder, click on Delete next to it.

Delete Autoresponder from Site Tools

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