Email Tutorials
Default Address (Catch-all Email Address) Tutorial

Default Address (Catch-all Email Address) Tutorial

The default or catch-all address is the one to which all e-mails, addressed to a non-available or mistakenly entered email account at your domain name are routed to. In case someone sends an email to info@yourdomain.com and you do not have such mailbox, the catch-all option will forward this email to your default email address.

How to Set/Change a Default Email Address Detailed Tutorial

To access the default address menu, go to your Site Tools > Email > Forwarders. Go to the kebab menu next to the default record and click on Forward:

  • You can forward all unrouted mail to an email address; in this case, you should type in the address in the field.

If you go to Discard:

  • You can discard all unrouted mail with an error to the senders; in this case, you should type in the message which will be sent to the senders.

Click Confirm to apply your settings.

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